RAA Improves Rural Airstrip Safety by Delivering 500+ Cone Markers in 2017, More in 2018.

Rural Airstrip Agency successfully delivered 568 airstrip cone markers to several rural airstrips in PNG in 2017, and is looking forward to delivering more to other airstrips this year.

The cone markers, which are both the white and yellow markers, are important as they help pilots of small planes navigate the airstrips when landing and taking off. Most of these airstrips are unpaved so the markers are an essential visual aid.
The markers are used as Runway end markers, Runway edge markers and Taxiway edge markers at the rural airstrips in accordance with CASA PNG safety standards.

All markers are manufactured here in PNG at RAA production facility in Goroka or with our partners and are in accordance with the appropriate design standards.

Airstrips that received the delivery of the cone markers last year include Fuma, Honinabi, Yehebi, Hesalibi, Kapal, Mougulu, Lake Campbell, Gubam, Kiriwo, Kondobol, Waiwoi Falls, Debepari, Elem, Fane, Woitape, Sopu, Esala’a, Wayao and Misima.
As well as the cone markers, RAA delivered 13 windsocks to different rural airstrips including Mougulu, Lake Campbell, Gubam, Kiriwo, Kondobol, Fane,Misima, Woitape, Sopu and Esala’a.

RAA CEO John Bromley said that 2017 was a challenging year for RAA however thanks to all of RAA’s partners including MAF, and the National Government, they were able to provide much needed infrastructure as part of its maintenance and restoration programs with rural airstrips.

“ Our main goal of 2018 is to build upon all the work that we have done in 2017 and the years previously, so that more rural communities are connected to a viable airstrip and can access the government services.
The cone markers and windsocks we deliver are an important infrastructure for these airstrips to improve airstrip aviation safety.”


Cone Marker 1: A Rural Airstrip Agency Maintenance Officer in Sopu, Goilala places a cone marker. The airstrip and windsocks are visible in the background and mark the taxi way in the distance.

Cone Marker 2: A Rural Airstrip Agency Maintenance Officer in Sopu, Goilala places a cone marker. The airstrip and windsocks are visible in the background and mark the taxi way in the distance.

Cone Marker 3: A Rural Airstrip Agency Maintenance Officer in Sopu, Goilala, proudly stands at the apron of the rural airstrip he is responsible for. Cone Markers and Windsocks are clearly visible and mark the taxi way in the distance.

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